Common Virtual Learning Mistakes (And How to Prevent Them!)

Over the last few years, eLearning had steadily been growing in popularity to provide training for businesses across the world. This year, eLearning has witnessed its largest surge in popularity yet as more and more businesses and schools switch to virtual learning environments. Considering implementing virtual learning yourself? Be sure to avoid these four mistakes to maximize the effectiveness of your courses.

Insufficient Onboarding

Switching an entire workforce to online training isn’t a small task. In fact, it’s entirely possible that your eLearning course will be the first that many of your employees take. As such, ensuring that each member has a firm understanding of your program’s purpose and functionalities will be key to the success of the project.

Choosing the Wrong Learning Management System

At Nickel City Learning Solutions, we implement a broad range of eLearning applications for our partners. This is because each business is unique and a one-sized-fits-all approach simply doesn’t lead to the highest level of retention. When you choose your own learning management system, be sure to consider methods like interactive video, story-telling techniques, and instructor-led training. Once you have an idea of the format you’d like to implement, selecting the best platform becomes much easier.

Lack of Automation

Always remember that eLearning should make all aspects of training easier for both you and your trainees. Are you stuck enrolling individual members in courses, tracking scores, and making sure your employees are up to date on training? That means that your eLearning solution probably isn’t fully optimized just yet. Luckily, most eLearning platforms include a plethora of automation features that you can dive into to make your life a lot easier!

Failure to Implement Feedback

You’ve just put out your first online training course. Now your work is done, right? Not exactly. One of our favorite things about eLearning platforms is that they make it easy to track effectiveness through feedback and knowledge checks. Make sure you keep a close eye on these metrics. That way, you can make changes to your regiment as time goes on to create the best learner experience possible.

Virtual Learning with Nickel City Learning Solutions

Nickel City Learning Solutions is your one-stop source for all of your training needs. Our philosophy is that learning should be fun, relevant, and measurable. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information regarding effective virtual learning solutions.

Our Clients

Take an in-depth look at the work we have done with other clients and how it has helped their success in business.

International Solutions Group

The International Solutions Group wanted the ability to distribute their course to a larger population while maintaining the same quality.

Optimum Safety Group

Optimum had a large cache of existing material that needed an update. We created a large batch of e-learning modules for Optimum with a focus on deployment on mobile platforms.

The Money School

Money School’s founder Chris Naugle had a great idea: teach people how money really works and how to become their own banker rather than pay interest and fees to everyone else.

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