What Do Users Look for in Online Training Courses?

Adaptation and evolution are key in the modern workplace. With so much change and advancement, online training courses have emerged as a way to help team members develop new skills and reinforce them along the way. If you are considering creating your own training courses, be sure to remember that modern learners are typically quite tech-savvy and have certain expectations of the technology they use on a daily basis. What do modern employees expect out of their training courses?

Social Interaction
Social interaction is constantly at our fingertips. It’s so embedded into our daily life that it makes sense to involve it in eLearning as well. Consider incorporating these online activities to help your users get engaged and stay engaged throughout their online training courses:

  • Online collaborative projects
  • Social media discussions
  • Reviews and critiques of each other’s work

Each of these activities has the potential to be a spark that helps your team truly internalize the subject matter at hand.

Real World Situations
Online training courses are much more effective when centered around real-world situations. Once your course has successfully given your team members background knowledge of the key concepts they need to understand, it’s time to put their new skills to the test! Solving real world problems will quickly reveal whether or not your team has a firm grasp on the key subject matter, or if some further review would be beneficial. From there, they’ll be ready to apply their newly developed skills to their daily work.

Gamification is becoming increasingly popular in the world of online training courses. The reason many eLearning platforms include gamification is to keep learners motivated to make progress and advance their skills at the same time. Leaderboards are a great example of gamification in eLearning. Learners often find it much easier to stay driven once friendly workplace competition is introduced.

Intuitive Interface
The purpose of introducing an eLearning platform is to make learning easier and more efficient. Your employees should not have to spend much time learning how to use the platform you implement. Make sure your platform is easy to navigate and robust before making it part of your standard training regimen. Often times, businesses conduct several trial runs to make sure their platform is free of any unnecessary bugs or hiccups.

Improve Your Online Training Courses with Nickel City Learning Solutions
Nickel City Learning Solutions is your one-stop source for all of your training needs. Our philosophy is that learning should be fun, relevant, and measurable. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information regarding the implementation of eLearning solutions at your business.

Our Clients

Take an in-depth look at the work we have done with other clients and how it has helped their success in business.

The Money School

Money School’s founder Chris Naugle had a great idea: teach people how money really works and how to become their own banker rather than pay interest and fees to everyone else.

Optimum Safety Group

Optimum had a large cache of existing material that needed an update. We created a large batch of e-learning modules for Optimum with a focus on deployment on mobile platforms.

International Solutions Group

The International Solutions Group wanted the ability to distribute their course to a larger population while maintaining the same quality.

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